40 Years of adapting prepared us to do it again.

Our response to COVID-19: We’re keeping busy while staying safe.

To our clients, partners and anyone else reading this: 

It’s amazing how quickly our daily lives can change, isn’t it? Only a few weeks ago, offices were full. Restaurants were open. And paper products were plentiful. But as the COVID-19 pandemic spread, it became increasingly obvious that something needed to give. And businesses in every industry had to adapt. Fast. 

Heinrich is no different. We’ve worked with the healthcare industry long enough to know how important it is to support our healthcare workers during difficult times. So as of March 16th, to help flatten the curve and protect our employees, we’re working from home until the crisis improves. 

But as where we work changes, how we work remains the same. We’re still solving problems. We’re still pushing boundaries. We’re still working as a team and brainstorming with our clients to find new ways to succeed during this unprecedented situation. Because while business may change, it never really stops. And neither do we. 

Whether you’re working with us already or if you’re just thinking about it, know that we’re here to help. Whatever you have that needs doing, we’re ready to do it—as always—at the speed of business. 

And one last thing: remember that optimism is one of the most powerful tools during any crisis. Together, we’ll get past this. And come out stronger on the other side. 

Stay safe and stay hopeful,


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